Visits to view Onteora are by appointment only. If you want to tour on a weekend, Sunday afternoons are usually the best, as you will be able to see all the guest rooms. Saturday afternoons are sometimes possible, at least to view the public spaces. Weekday tours are not a problem with prior notice.
Because your time and ours is valuable, we ask that you please read the list below. It asks some early, but not premature, questions that you should consider before scheduling your visit:
Have you checked our website to be sure that your preferred date or dates are available?
To check, click here.
Are you aware of when we host weddings?
We do weddings only from May through October. We do not host weekday weddings.
Do you require a special menu?
We can provide vegetarian and vegan and gluten free meals. However we do not accept outside caterers. Therefore it is not possible to do full Kosher weddings here, nor weddings that require a complete ethnic cuisine.
Are you aware of the maximum count and the minimum counts?
Our maximum capacity is 180. The minimum head count is 100 on Saturdays and 80 on. Sundays.
Are you aware of our curfew times?
Parties can run until 11 pm in June and July. Until 10 pm in all other months.
Is Onteora within your wedding budget?
Please be advised that the package prices listed are minimums, and there is no possibility of a quality event if this or that is cut. Everything in the package is there because it is necessary for your wedding to be successful. To see packages, click here.
If the above information has presented any questions or concerns, please email or call 845-657-6233.
NOTE: On arrival you may be greeted by one or two dogs. They are very friendly. If it appears that no one else is around but the dogs, just come right in the front door. You will find a doorbell sitting on the center hall table.
We look forward to your visit.